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Re: How to inline a huge m68k code?

> Like this:
> inline int xxMULH(int a, int b)
> {
>   uint32_t au = a;
>   uint32_t bu = b;
>   uint32_t resh, resl;
>   umul_ppmm(resh, resl, au, bu);
>   if (a < 0)
>     resh -= bu;
>   if (b < 0)
>     resh -= au;
>   return (int)resh;
> }

printf("result 060: %d\n",MULH_060(55555555,55555555));
printf("result inl: %d\n",MULH_INLINE(55555555,55555555));

>From asm function (external linkable object) which source code I posted I get: 


from your inline code:


inline int MULH_INLINE(int a, int b)

  uint32_t au = a;
  uint32_t bu = b;

  uint32_t resh, resl;

#define umul_ppmm(resh, resl, a, b)
  __asm__ ("| Inlined umul_ppmm \n\t"
	   "	move%.l	%2, %/d0  \n"
	   "	move%.l	%3, %/d1  \n"
	   "	move%.l	%/d0, %/d2    \n"
	   "	swap	%/d0 \n"
	   "	move%.l	%/d1, %/d3    \n"
	   "	swap	%/d1 \n"
	   "	move%.w	%/d2, %/d4    \n"
	   "	mulu	%/d3, %/d4   \n"
	   "	mulu	%/d1, %/d2   \n"
	   "	mulu	%/d0, %/d3   \n"
	   "	mulu	%/d0, %/d1   \n"
	   "	move%.l	%/d4, %/d0    \n"
	   "	eor%.w	%/d0, %/d0 \n"
	   "	swap	%/d0 \n"
	   "	add%.l	%/d0, %/d2 \n"
	   "	add%.l	%/d3, %/d2 \n"
	   "	jcc	1f    \n"
	   "	add%.l	%#65536,%/d1   \n"
	   "1:	swap	%/d2   \n"
	   "	moveq	%#0, %/d0   \n"
	   "	move%.w	%/d2, %/d0    \n"
	   "	move%.w	%/d4, %/d2    \n"
	   "	move%.l	%/d2, %1  \n"
	   "	add%.l	%/d1, %/d0 \n"
	   "	move%.l	%/d0, %0"
	   : "=g" ((resh)),
	     "=g" ((resl))
	   : "g" ((a)),
	     "g" ((b))
	   : "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4")

  umul_ppmm(resh, resl, au, bu);

  if (a < 0)
    resh -= bu;
  if (b < 0)
    resh -= au;

  return (int)resh;

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