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Re: -O1 single optimization parameter

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Andrew Haley <> wrote:
>> So which parameter are missing from that list?
> You seem to think it is possible to do that.  I don't know why you
> think such a thing.  I don't think it is possible.
> You seem to believe that there is some magic set of command line options
> that will duplicate the various -O flags.  There isn't.
> There are lots of places in the compiler with things like
> if (optimize > 0)
> {
>  ... do some optimization ...
> }
I think that -O1 is an alias for a list of optimization parametr as
reported in gcc manual, so if I want to anable only one parameter at
time I think that I need to enable -O1 (that enable that set of
optimization) and explicitly disable all parameters that I don't want,
leaving only optimization parameter that I want.


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Massimiliano Cialdi

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