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no symbol in current context problem when debug the program in gdb


I have the following program. When I step in to test's constructor, I
would be able to print the variable three. It says
(gdb) n
7             T three = 3;
(gdb) n
8             std::cout << three << std::endl;
(gdb) p three
No symbol "three" in current context.

According to gdb mailing list, this is a bug in GCC. I'm wondering if
this issue has been resolved in the later versions of GCC.


#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class test {
   test(const T &a) : _a(a) {
     T three = 3;
     std::cout << three << std::endl;
   T _a;

int main() {
 test<double> p(10);

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