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Re: GCC asm block optimizations on x86_64

On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 06:11:04AM +0100, Darryl L. Miles wrote:
> [1] This issue is in the way %edx is zero'ed, I would think zeroing out 
> registers/memory/whatever would be a special optimization case in this 
> code its clear that there is no useful value in the CPU condition flags, 
> so "xorl %edx,%edx" would make most sense, instead of having to find 
> another register to load with zero before then copying.  Interestingly 
> enough -O generates a "mov $0,%r8d", while -O2 generates a "xor %r8d,%r8d".

   Peephole optimization isn't performed at -O.

   It is usually better to post asm output from "gcc -S -dp" than "objdump
--disassemble" output because the former shows which instruction pattern GCC
is using.

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen

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