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Re: How can I lock asm blocks in place?

Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> Mike Sharov <> writes:
>> I'm trying to create some template specializations to combine short movs
>> into larger movs.
> The compiler should normally do this for you automatically when optimizing.

Your faith in the compiler is touching, but unfounded. It doesn't do it.
For example:

class point {
                point (void);
                point (int16_t nx, int16_t ny) : x (nx), y (ny) {}
    int16_t     x;
    int16_t     y;

point::point (void)
: x (0),
  y (0)

void Assign (point& dest, const point& src)
    dest = src;

Generates the following assembly (Athlon64, -O3,-march=athlon64)
And no, -ftree-vectorize does not change the result.

        movw    $0, (%rdi)
        movw    $0, 2(%rdi)

        movw    $0, (%rdi)
        movw    $0, 2(%rdi)

        movzwl  (%rsi), %edx
        movzwl  2(%rsi), %eax
        movw    %dx, (%rdi)
        movw    %ax, 2(%rdi)

The first two blocks are the default constructors. The Assign contains
the inlined implicit operator=. This is how the compiler always assigns
to member variables. If you have sixteen uint8_t vars in your class,
then, by God, you'll get 32 movb instructions in your operator=, even
though a pair of movups would have done. I entirely agree that the
compiler should be able to combine the movs, but it does not, and I have
no choice but to implement the sort of hacks I was asking about. The
question stands: how can the compiler be informed of aliasing, or how to
disable reordering for a particular block of code?

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