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Re: what is -O1 doing?

I was trying to find out which O1 optimization was causing the
problems but I can't reproduce the crash when I specify:

-fdefer-pop -fdelayed-branch -fguess-branch-probability -fcprop- registers
-fif-conversion -fif-conversion2 -ftree-ccp -ftree-dce -ftree- dominator-opts
-ftree-dse -ftree-ter -ftree-lrs -ftree-sra -ftree-copyrename - ftree-fre
-ftree-ch -funit-at-a-time -fmerge-constants

which is what the gcc man page reports for -O1 flags... Is there a
way to get from gfortan a set of flags it's setting when it is given a -O1?

This is more a question for gcc-help. I think not all the behaviour implied by -O1 can be controled by individual -f options.


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