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Re: using GCC on winXP

Mangal Pandey kirjoitti:
Thanks all.
I can see the first approach looks easier. Just to
reconfirm that I can compile my application on RHEL
AS4 to generate objects for windows?
This Linux distro maybe doesn't have any prebuilt
RPMS for this purpose but the Debian has... And
in the area of binutils and GCC the binary compatability
isn't that bad between distros, so installing (by unpacking)
the Debian '.deb' packages into the RedHats should
give fully working tools. Just as installing a generic
Mozilla application for Linux...

I tried some Debian-made Linux-X-MinGW toolchain
some months ago and the only problem was that the
toolchain wasn't relocatable, some bug in the new GCC
(3.4.x or 4.0.x) forcing to use the original '--prefix=/usr'
setting in the set for the installation.  The host here was
SuSE 9.2...

But building the crosstoolchain oneself is of course the
assumption. While learning to do that the pre-made
toolchain can serve as a good/bad example (the Debian
one as "bad" when using the base system's '/usr' for its
installation - using '/opt/gcc' or something 'local' would
be suggested. But opinions about this may differ).

Now for the second approach what you have suggested do
i need to use any Application development environment
on windows to invoke GCC there.
Not, but if you want a Unix-like development platform
on Windoze, then you will need to install one...  I myself
have used Linux as that "Unix-like development platform"
for the Windoze apps, mainly crosstools for embedded
targets hosted on Windoze...

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