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Re: default cflags to compile

On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, Nuno Lopes gibbered uncontrollably:
I need to generate a gcc binary that will always enable the
-fabi-version=1, because I have a library built with gcc 3.3 and I
need to link with it, but I would like to use gcc 4.

The libstdc++ ABI broke between these releases, so unless your library doesn't use libstdc++ at all (somewhat unlikely), there is little point to this.q

The problem is that we are using a closed-source library from Sony (for their robots AIBO, which run on a MIPS) and they don't support anything other than gcc 3.3.

You're in trouble then.

If the library uses libstdc++, does it help if I compile it with

Only if you *never* pass any objects manipulated by that old libstdc++ to the newer version of libstdc++, or vice versa. This is likely to be hard to ensure.

Probably the only maintainable way to do this would be to build a
subprocess (using that closed-source library) with the old GCC and have
it talk to the new one via some IPC mechanism. If this is an embedded
environment this is probably impractical, and your best option is
probably to stick with GCC 3.3.

Yes, this is an embeded system, and we cannot create processes or threads. Only Sony's mini OS can lauch new threads/processes.
I think we only pass integers, floats and chars* to sony's library, so I hope it will work... I'll try it tomorrow, and I'll let you know.

(Why do you need to upgrade anyway?)

because gcc 3.3 doesn't support some c++ features that gcc 3.4 support. I'm also looking for increased performance. We can't waste cpu cicles.

(This really belongs on gcc-help@, not gcc@. Moved accordingly.)

ok, sorry.


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