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Re: Please Help Me with Dev-C++

I don't think this is the right place for questions concerning how to write C code .... though I think I've committed the same sin myself, on occasion

#include <stdin.h>

That produces an error for my gcc has no such file. Try changing <stdin.h> to <stdio.h> (which is the norm).


The above line doesn't produce any errors for me, but I believe it should really be:

int main(void)

   printf("Hello World\n");

I'm not familiar with the precise compiler you're using. I use gcc (MinGW) on Win32.

If that's what the tutorial really said to do, then it sounds like a pretty crappy tutorial to me. I don't have any quality-guaranteed web tutorials to recommend. Maybe
is a better place to start learning - or, better still, one of the quality C/C++ books such as Kernaghan's.

Hope this helps.


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