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Re: gcc literature? writes: 
 > We are going to be using GCC for the first time on a new
 > research project.  What textbooks or literature do you
 > recommend purchasing for amateur GCC users?

Hello Chris,

I have written a book for this purpose: it is titled "An
Introduction to GCC" and covers the main options for gcc and
g++, optimization, debugging, how to link with shared
libraries, etc... basically all the main 'gotchas' I have
seen people encounter over the years as the maintainer of
GSL (the GNU Scientific Library).

You can find more information at

The discounted price is about $14 from Amazon.  The money
raised from the sale of the book supports the development of
more free software and documentation.

I'd also recommend getting a copy of the full GCC Reference
Manual from GNU Press for further reading.

best regards,

Brian Gough

Network Theory Ltd,
Publishing Free Software Manuals ---

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