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Re: long long in assembly


I am trying to increment a 64-bit counter in assembly code.
In fact, it is a variable "unsigned long long" from C code, and
I am trying to increment it from a function written in assembly.

You can inspect the assembly code generated by gcc with the -S option.

Compiling this simple program

int main()
   unsigned long long a = 1234;

return a; }

yields (only relevant lines)

   .loc 1 5 0
   movl    $1234, -8(%ebp)
   movl    $0, -4(%ebp)
   .loc 1 6 0
   leal    -8(%ebp), %eax
   addl    $1, (%eax)
   adcl    $0, 4(%eax)   // <- This should be what you are looking for
   .loc 1 9 0
   movl    -8(%ebp), %eax


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