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Re: Problem with g77 Fortran

Rob Willson wrote:

>   I have GNU-Fortran installed on my PC LInux system and am having
> problems compiling my old Fortran 77 programs on the new system.
> Specifically, I get an error when I try to read a data file using a
> statements like
> open(unit=1,file='datafile.dat', recl=132,status='old')
> .
> .
>       Read(1,10) x,y,z
> 10    FOrmat(3f10.2)
> When I say:  f77 -o prog prog.f , I get a statement.." sfe: formatted io
> is not allowed"

The "recl=132" makes the run time library think this is a direct access
file.  Removing it will make the program work.

I'll look up whether this is correct behaviour.

Hope this helps,

Toon Moene - - phoneto: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
Maintainer, GNU Fortran 77:
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