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RE: Problems running GCC on Solaris (include files)

Only the first stage was built using Sun's cc and 
using "make bootstrap." The other stages built 
correctly using xgcc. At the end, I did "make 
install." Both the installed gcc and the working xgcc 
have the same issue with the include files when I try 
to compile my hello.c, but not when the xgcc is 
compiling its own code. Here is the "configure --

# This directory was configured as follows:
../gcc-3.0.2/configure --with-gcc-version-
3.0.2/gcc/version.c --host=sparc-sun-solaris2.6 --
prefix=/apps/gnu --with-local-prefix=/apps/gnu --with-
gnu-as --with-as=/apps/gnu/bin/as --with-gnu-ld --
with-ld=/apps/gnu/bin/ld.exe --norecursion 
# using "mh-frag"

Any other ideas? Thanks.

---- Rupert Wood <> wrote:
> Max Heffler wrote:
> > On another note, after configuring, I had to make 
a few changes to
> > complete the build. There were complaints 
about "inline" so I
> > changed the definitions to "#define inline /**/" 
since no other 
> > options seemed to satisfy the compiler.
> This sounds like you're building the guts of GCC 
with Sun cc. This
> shouldn't happen; the system compiler should only 
be used to build GCC's
> C compiler in stage1 of the bootstrap. The stage1 
compiler should then
> be used to build the rest and it accepts 'inline' 
in plain C.
> May I check that you built GCC with 'make 
bootstrap' and not 'make'?
> (As a side note, I don't think you needed 
the "/**/"; you can get away
> with "#define inline". The last time I had to make 
this hack for Sun
> Forte, though, I think I used "#define inline 
static": you won't be
> relying on a function defined inline in a 
sourcefile to export, and if a
> function defined inline in a header exports then 
you'll hit problems.)
> I have no experience of Solaris 2.6 myself but it 
sounds like your other
> problems should have been covered by 
GCC's 'fixincludes'. It might not
> pick these up properly if you didn't bootstrap the 
compiler or didn't
> "make install" it. If you don't want to install it, 
you'll need to add
> an include path to the fixed headers in the gcc 
build tree (although I'm
> afraid I forget exactly where).
> Good luck,
> Rup.

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