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Need a crosscompiler to build an OS


I'm writing a little OS, but right now, everything is written in ASM, so
it's a _LOT_ of work and that's why I'd like to continue writing in C++. But
I have some problems starting it. I must confess that right now, I'm not the
biggest linux-user :( but I'd like to change this. I searched for a long
time a way to get my OS running from C++ and I found a HOWTO with my
solution. I've done everything as they said, but it didn't work.

Could you tell me
a) what I'm doing wrong (see chosen way below) or
b) could you tell me a better way (the HOWTO is from '98)?

My Way
In the HOWTO, they said, I need gcc- Here a little extract of it:

> Next compile gcc for the i386-unknown-gnu target. Only compile the c and
> compilers. The objective c compiler need runtime library which is OS
> silverbolt_27# gunzip -c gcc- | tar -xf -
> silverbolt_28# cd  gcc-
> silverbolt_29#
./configure --target=i386-unknown-gnu --prefix=/usr/local/xdev
> configure runs
> silverbolt_30# make LANGUAGES="c c++" LIBGCC=/dev/null
> make runs
> silverbolt_31# /usr/local/xdev/386-unknown-gnu/bin/ar rc libgcc2.a
> silverbolt_32# make LANGUAGES="c c++" LIBGCC=/dev/null install
> make runs

the first execution of make brought up an error, that I have to compile
for myself, but I don't know why and how.

please help me with a solution or a better way to solve my problem


Thomas Lenherr, Switzerland

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