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-m2, -m3, -m3e : differences

Compiling this code:

   long fdiv(long num, long den)
      return(num / den);

with -m3e option I get:

60:fpu.c      **** long fdiv(long num, long den)
61:fpu.c      **** {
23              .def .bf;  .val .; .scl 101; .line 61; .endef
24              .def _num; .val 1; .scl 17;  .type 05; .endef
25              .def _den; .val 2; .scl 17;  .type 05; .endef
26 0000 2FE6    mov.l  r14,@-r15
27 0002 4F22    sts.l  pr,@-r15
28 0004 6EF3    mov    r15,r14
29 0006 6143    mov    r4,r1

Compiling it with -m2 and -m3 code the two last lines are missing.
Wha's exactly the reason?
I'm using gcc sh-hms 97r1a

In general, what differences are there in funcion call and argument
passing in the 3 cases?
Where can I get information about this subject?

Thanks in advance for any information!

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