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Re: Company is looking for GNU tool chain developers

Pavel Baranov wrote:
> > California based company is looking for GNU tool chain developers
> > for contract or permanent work to customize GNU tool chain for
> > 32-bit RISC processors. This includes gcc, asm, sid etc.

Toon wrote:
> I presume this company is looking for people based outside the State Of
> California - to be assured of un-interrupted working hours ?
> [ The last time I had a black-out here is about half a year ago ]

OK, this is already way off topic -- except that is in
California, so perhaps you need some reassurance.

If you had a black-out a half year ago, and it lasted more than one hour,
that means that in the past six months you've lost more time due to loss
of power than we in Silicon Valley have, since our total downtime for
all rolling blackouts since the crisis began totals about one hour.

Life goes on in California, despite reports to the contrary.  Things will
be worse this summer, yes.

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