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g++ STL container element deletion.


I have a question pertaining to STL containers.

I create a number of string pointers, and add them to
a vector.

At some later date I wish to delete ALL of the pointers
and want to use the container to do this.

When I observe memory usage through UNIX "top" though, the
memory is not being freed.

The C++ code looks like:

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <exception>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
int main()
 unsigned int i;
 char         str[256];

 vector<string *>           thisStringVector ;
 vector<string *>::iterator thisStringVectorElement ;

 //Create 1000000 string pointers and add to the vector
 for (i = 0 ; i < 1000000 ; i++) 
  //Create a new string pointer...
  string * pThisString;
  try {
   pThisString = new string ;
  catch (...) {
   cout << "Error in pThisString allocation...\n";
  (*pThisString) = "A";
 //Delete 1000000 string pointers 
 for( thisStringVectorElement  =   thisStringVector.begin();
      thisStringVectorElement !=   thisStringVector.end();
  //Delete the string contents
                                    (**thisStringVectorElement).begin() ,
  //Delete the pointer to the strinf & free-up memory
  delete (*thisStringVectorElement);

I am running GNUCC2.95.2.

I have discussed this with some other developers (VC++) and
they say this code should delete the string pointers, and free
up memory.

If there an implementaion issue with g++ STL containers OR are
my VC++ associated incorrect in their beliefs.

I lok forward to your combined wisdom.

Many thanks in advance..

| Colin Thomas. 
| Design Consultant.                             
| Email   :     
| Tele    : (44) 1234 240562 
| Fax     : (44) 1234 241262               
| Address : Design Resources,
|           27 Market Place,             
|           Olney,                           
|           Buckinghamshire,                
|           United Kingdom.                 

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