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Thanks for the helpful information!
I was using MINGW32 based on GCC 2.8.1 under Windows 95's DOS box and I
never knew that there was a newer vesion.
Thanks again,

Mumit Khan <> wrote in message
> In article <>, Uri Yanover <>
> >Hello anybody!
> >I am a beginning programmer for Windows. I heard of GNU ports for
> >DOS/Windows. I chose MINGW32 , so I downloaded the binaries, the
> >the tools etc. I installed it (unzipped and set up the environment). Then
> >compiled and linked a few examples (one from the SDK and one from
> >using the main libraries (user32, gdi32, kernel32, comdlg32 and
> >like this.
> What version are you running? The latest versions are at:
> No setup required, just run self-extracting executable to install,
> add the binary directory to PATH and go.
> >SET DEFAULTLIB=c:\mingw32\lib
> Not needed in the new releases (4 in the last 1-1/2 years or so).
> >SET
GUILIBS=-L%DEFAULTLIB% -luser32 -lgdi32 -lkernel32 -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32
> -luser32 and -lkernel32 are automatically linked in, so no need. `gcc -v'
> when linking shows exactly what's being linked in, so that's a good
> diagnostic tool.
> >gcc -c hellowin.c
> >gcc -o hellowin.exe hellowin.o %GUILIBS%
> Add -mwindows, which expands to the following, to avoid the DOS window:
>   -Wl,--subsystem,windows -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32
> So, the following are equivalent:
>   $ gcc -c hellowin.c
>   $ gcc -o hellowin.exe hellowin.o -mwindows -lcomctl32
> To see what's going on, add the -v option:
>   $ gcc -v -o hellowin.exe hellowin.o -mwindows -lcomctl32
> Mingw32 questions are probably best posted to the appropriate mailing
> lists -
>   - Cygwin -- -- Mingw and Cygwin
>     share the same development tools, so the answers are the same.
>   - Mingw32 -- http://www.eGroups.COM/lists/mingw32.html
> Regards,
> Mumit

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