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Re: Building gcc 2.95 on Solaris 2.6

> I am trying to build gcc 2.95.1 on a Solaris 2.6 (SC 4.2 on Ultra1)
> Because I am not superuser, I cannot install the binary from

If you read the instructions, all of your questions will be answered.
Try the following documents:

As to using /usr/ccs/bin/make vs. GNU make, some versions of make (not
GNU make) gratuitously perform a complete rebuild on make install. This
is documented in one of the files that comes with the distribution
(INSTALL, perhaps?).

BTW, you will probably need to be a superuser to install to /usr/local,
unless you've run configure with the options to install it into a
directory you can write to.

Hope this helps

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Before you buy.

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