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4.3.0/include/c++/bits/boost_concept_check.h - RandomAccessIteratorConcept Concept check ambiguous

we  have ambiguous requirement

template <class _Tp>
 struct _RandomAccessIteratorConcept
   void __constraints() {
     __function_requires< _BidirectionalIteratorConcept<_Tp> >();
     __function_requires< _ComparableConcept<_Tp> >();
     __function_requires< _ConvertibleConcept<
       typename std::iterator_traits<_Tp>::iterator_category,
       std::random_access_iterator_tag> >();
     // ??? We don't use _Ref, are we just checking for "referenceability"?
     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Tp>::reference _Ref;

__i += __n; // require assignment addition operator
__i = __i + __n; // require addition with difference type

//__i = __n + __i; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ambiguous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

__i = __i - __n; // require subtraction with
// difference type
__n = __i - __j; // require difference operator
(void)__i[__n]; // require element access operator
_Tp __a, __b;
_Tp __i, __j;
typename std::iterator_traits<_Tp>::difference_type __n;

what type expression __n + __i; must has ? std::iterator_traits<_Tp>::difference_type or _Tp ?
what operator+ compiler must and can use ?

best regards
Bulavitsky Alexey

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