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[Bug tree-optimization/33244] New: Missed opportunities for vectorization due to PRE

The following loop showing up in the top time users in capacita.f90 is
not vectorized because the loop latch block is non empty:

./capacita.f90:51: note: ===== analyze_loop_nest =====
./capacita.f90:51: note: === vect_analyze_loop_form ===
./capacita.f90:51: note: not vectorized: unexpected loop form.
./capacita.f90:51: note: bad loop form.
./capacita.f90:9: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

This block contains the following code that comes from the
partial redundancy elimination pass:

      bb_14 (preds = {bb_13 }, succs = {bb_13 })
      <bb 14>:
        # VUSE <SFT.109_593> { SFT.109 }
        pretmp.166_821 = g.dim[1].stride;
        goto <bb 13>;


Now, if I disable the PRE with -fno-tree-pre, I get another problem on
the data dependence analysis:

        base_address: &d1
        offset from base address: 0
        constant offset from base address: 0
        step: 0
        aligned to: 128
        base_object: d1
        symbol tag: d1
        FAILED as dr address is invariant

/home/seb/ex/capacita.f90:46: note: not vectorized: unhandled data-ref 
/home/seb/ex/capacita.f90:46: note: bad data references.
/home/seb/ex/capacita.f90:4: note: vectorized 0 loops in function.

This fail corresponds to the following code in tree-data-ref.c

      /* FIXME -- data dependence analysis does not work correctly for objects
         invariant addresses.  Let us fail here until the problem is fixed.  */
      if (dr_address_invariant_p (dr))
          free_data_ref (dr);
          if (dump_file && (dump_flags & TDF_DETAILS))
            fprintf (dump_file, "\tFAILED as dr address is invariant\n");
          ret = false;

Due to the following statement:

# VUSE <d1_143> { d1 }
d1.33_86 = d1;

So here the data reference is for d1 that is a read with the following tree:

    arg 1 <var_decl 0xb7be01cc d1 type <real_type 0xb7b4eaf8 real4>
        addressable used public static SF file /home/seb/ex/capacita.f90 line
11 size <integer_cst 0xb7b4163c 32> unit size <integer_cst 0xb7b41428 4>
        align 32
        chain <var_decl 0xb7be0170 d2 type <real_type 0xb7b4eaf8 real4>
            addressable used public static SF file /home/seb/ex/capacita.f90
line 11 size <integer_cst 0xb7b4163c 32> unit size <integer_cst 0xb7b41428 4>
            align 32 chain <var_decl 0xb7be0114 eps0>>>

I don't really know how this could be handled as a data reference,
because that statement has a VUSE but the type of d1 is scalar.

A reduced testcase is like this:

module solv_cap

  implicit none

  public  :: init_solve

  integer, parameter, public :: dp = selected_real_kind(5)

  real(kind=dp), private :: Pi, Mu0, c0, eps0
  logical,       private :: UseFFT, UsePreco
  real(kind=dp), private :: D1, D2
  integer,       private, save :: Ng1=0, Ng2=0
  integer,       private, pointer,     dimension(:,:)  :: Grid
  real(kind=dp), private, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: G


  subroutine init_solve(Grid_in, GrSize1, GrSize2, UseFFT_in, UsePreco_in)
    integer, intent(in), target, dimension(:,:) :: Grid_in
    real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: GrSize1, GrSize2
    logical,       intent(in)  :: UseFFT_in, UsePreco_in
    integer                    :: i, j

    Pi = acos(-1.0_dp)
    Mu0 = 4e-7_dp * Pi
    c0 = 299792458
    eps0 = 1 / (Mu0 * c0**2)

    UseFFT = UseFFT_in
    UsePreco = UsePreco_in

    if(Ng1 /= 0 .and. allocated(G) ) then
      deallocate( G )
    end if

    Grid => Grid_in
    Ng1 = size(Grid, 1)
    Ng2 = size(Grid, 2)
    D1 = GrSize1/Ng1
    D2 = GrSize2/Ng2

    allocate( G(0:Ng1,0:Ng2) )

    write(unit=*, fmt=*) "Calculating G"
    do i=0,Ng1
      do j=0,Ng2
        G(i,j) = Ginteg( -D1/2,-D2/2, D1/2,D2/2, i*D1,j*D2 )
      end do
    end do

    if(UseFFT) then
      write(unit=*, fmt=*) "Transforming G"
      call FourirG(G,1)
    end if

  end subroutine init_solve

  function Ginteg(xq1,yq1, xq2,yq2, xp,yp)  result(G)
    real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: xq1,yq1, xq2,yq2, xp,yp
    real(kind=dp)             :: G
    real(kind=dp)             :: x1,x2,y1,y2,t
    x1 = xq1-xp
    x2 = xq2-xp
    y1 = yq1-yp
    y2 = yq2-yp

    if (x1+x2 < 0) then
      t = -x1
      x1 = -x2
      x2 = t
    end if
    if (y1+y2 < 0) then
      t = -y1
      y1 = -y2
      y2 = t
    end if

    G = Vprim(x2,y2)-Vprim(x1,y2)-Vprim(x2,y1)+Vprim(x1,y1)

  end function Ginteg

  function Vprim(x,y)  result(VP)
    real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: x,y
    real(kind=dp)             :: VP
    real(kind=dp)             :: r

    r = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    VP = y*log(x+r) + x*log(y+r)

  end function Vprim

end module solv_cap

           Summary: Missed opportunities for vectorization due to PRE
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.3.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: tree-optimization
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: spop at gcc dot gnu dot org

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