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Regarding : gcc emitting "movaps" to unaligned memory


 While porting my 64bit application on opteron amd64,
 I am facing issues in "printf/vprintf/ vsprintf calls".

 We are using . Please let me know in case
 there are some known rpm/fix/workaround related to this.
 On further investigation I realized that it is related
 [Bug c/14321] New: gcc emitting "movaps" to unaligned memory
The "movaps" needs 16-byte aligned memory locations, which is not
ensured (only 8-byte, appearently). This leads to occasional GPFs,
sepending on the initial stack pointer.

In my case also the MOVAPS is not 16byte aligned.

Please let me know in case we have already fixed this issue. Or I need
to open a new bug pcr. Or there is any compiler option which I need to set.

 Thanks in advance.

 ->/etc> cat redhat-release
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 3 (Taroon)

 In printf I receive a SIGSEGV, while I use
 a formated string as:

   printf("\n: double %23.16f", *(float *)abc); or with

 printf("\n: double %23.16g", *(double *)abc); or with

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x0000002a95948d61 in printf () from /lib64/tls/

 <printf+0>:     sub    $0xd8,%rsp
 <printf+7>:     movzbl %al,%r10d
 <printf+11>:    mov    %rcx,0x38(%rsp,1)
 <printf+16>:    lea    0xe0(%rsp,1),%rcx
 <printf+24>:    mov    %r8,0x40(%rsp,1)
 <printf+29>:    mov    %rcx,0x8(%rsp,1)
 <printf+34>:    mov    2018279(%rip),%rcx
 <printf+41>:    mov    %r9,0x48(%rsp,1)
 <printf+46>:    lea    64(%rip),%r8
 <printf+53>:    lea    0x0(,%r10,4),%r9
 <printf+61>:    mov    %rsi,0x28(%rsp,1)
 <printf+66>:    sub    %r9,%r8
 <printf+69>:    lea    0xcf(%rsp,1),%rsi
 <printf+77>:    mov    %rdx,0x30(%rsp,1)
 <printf+82>:    jmpq   *%r8d
 <printf+85>:    movaps %xmm7,0xfffffffffffffff1(%rsi)
 <printf+89>:    movaps %xmm6,0xffffffffffffffe1(%rsi)
   printf+93>:   movaps %xmm5,0xffffffffffffffd1(%rsi)
 <printf+97>:    movaps %xmm4,0xffffffffffffffc1(%rsi)
 <printf+101>:   movaps %xmm3,0xffffffffffffffb1(%rsi)
 <printf+105>:   movaps %xmm2,0xffffffffffffffa1(%rsi)
 <printf+109>:   movaps %xmm1,0xffffffffffffff91(%rsi)
 <printf+113>:   movaps %xmm0,0xffffffffffffff81(%rsi) <---- SIGSEGV position

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