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       Dear gentelmen,
      I have got a problem with a program reading mixed NAMELIST
      and "GROUP DATA" data.
      The namelist are the standard fortran namelist, and the
      "group data" is indeed a group of free format data
      enclosed within a couple of $NAME/$END banners
      The input is in a disk file which is rewound before 
      each read. The program either locates the $NAME
      when reading a "group data"² or issues a read(ir,NAME)
      when reading a namelist.
      it happens that, executing this program on a PC pentium,
      compiled with g77, that the data of a namelist are not read
      correctly. Fortunately the little program below reproduces
      the result of the actual run. The data file is after the 
      fortran code.
   *  the compilation command is
      g77 -g -C -o pgmtest pgmtest.f

      g77 -O2 -o pgmtest pgmtest.f

   *  and then pgmtest <datafile

   *  and here is the result of g77 -v

Lecture des spe©cification à partir de /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/specs
Configure© avec: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info
 --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --host=i386-redhat-linux
 --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit
Mode¨le de thread: posix
version gcc 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7)

   *  Here is what happens

      1/ the data consist of a "group data" named $FILE specifying
         free format data , followed by the namelist CNTRL
         setting the variable ISPHER to 1, while the initialization
         in the program sets it to 0.
      2/  When there is at least one SLASH in the strings of $FILE
          we get ISPHER=0 instead of 1. When there is no SLASH,
          ISPHER is correct, =1
      3/ when $CNTRL is put before $FILE the result is correct, even
         when there is SLASH in $FILE
      4/ when a line (even empty) is inserted between the $END of 
         $FILE and $CNTRL, the result is correct: this the workarround
         that I found.

         I guessed that the SLASH(es) in $FILE was the source of
         error because a / may end a namelist

         This problem never occured with other compilers (on 
         IBM -AIX or FORTRAN VS-,HP ,DEC or SGI)
      program bug
      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
      parameter (MXIODA=255,MXATOM=128,MXSYM=48,IBMMX=255)
      parameter (ZERO=0.0D+00)
      character*80 texte
      character*8 errmsg,BLANK
      integer direct
      integer thime
      integer semisp
      integer dirstp
      integer runflg
      integer fldint
c     ----- variables in common -----
      data BLANK   /'        '/
      data time   /9999999.0D+00/
      data igraf  /0/
      data direct /0/
      data iprint /0/
      data irest  /0/
      data runflg /0/
      data noprop /0/
      data nosym  /0/
      data qmttol /1.0d-04/
      data ispher /0/
      data list   /0/
      data ifield /0/
      data intfld /0/
      data moddia /1/
      data lenmem /200000/
      data lenxio /     1/
      data lenvec /200000/
 9997 format(' ----- namelist $CNTRL -----',                  /,
     #       ' runflg = ',i2 ,  ' noprop = ',i2 ,  ' nosym  = ',i2 ,
     #       ' ispher = ',i2 ,  ' direct = ',i2 ,                   /,
     #       ' irest  = ',i2 ,                                      /,
     #       ' igraf  = ',i2 ,  ' iprint = ',i2 ,  ' list   = ',i2 ,/,
     #       ' moddia = ',i2 ,                                      /,
     #       ' maxlcm = ',i10,/,' maxvec = ',i10,/,' maxxio = ',i10,/,
     #       ' qmttol = ',e10.3,                                    /,
     #       ' time   = ',f10.1,' (sec)')
      namelist /cntrl/ time,iprint,irest,runflg,noprop,nosym,qmttol,
     #                 list,moddia,maxxio,maxvec,maxlcm,
     #                 direct,igraf,ispher
      maxxio = lenxio
      maxvec = lenvec
      maxlcm = lcmmax
      ier = 0
      do while(ier.eq.0)
         read(5,'(a80)',iostat=ier) texte
         write(4,'(a80)') texte
      ir = 4
      iw = 6
      rewind ir
   10 continue
      write(iw,9997) runflg,noprop,nosym,ispher,direct,
     #               irest,
     #               igraf,iprint,list,
     #               moddia,
     #               maxlcm,maxvec,maxxio,
     #               qmttol,time

THE DATA after the ---------------------
 oms omsmc.i2
 pseu pseudo/PSN
 $CNTRL ispher=1,NOSYM=0,RUNFLG=0,noprop=0, $END
 $GUESS NGUESS=9,norb=44,gssfil='gss.i2',  $END
   ***   Iode      ********
    0    0   15     0    ...  ECP 
C1      2
I         53.0  LC  1.3335 0.0 0.0 - O K I
      1   S   3   give  1.0
      1   2.188316    0.799111
      1   1.749319   -1.200211
      1    .321036    0.610723
      1   S   1   give  1.0
      1    .160762     .180945
      1   S   1   give  1.0
      1    .078052     .105244
      1   P   3   give  1.0
      1   2.159164    0.320438
      1   1.855827   -0.467669
      1    .383991    0.427095
      1   P   1   give  1.0
      1    .163129    1.0
      1   P   1   give  1.0
      1    .065984    1.0
      1   D   1   give  1.0
      1    .730000    1.0
      1   D   1   give  1.0
      1    .270000    1.0

I         53.0  LC  1.3335   0.0 0.0 + O K I
      1   S   3   give  1.0
      1   2.188316    0.799111
      1   1.749319   -1.200211
      1    .321036    0.610723
      1   S   1   give  1.0
      1    .160762     .180945
      1   S   1   give  1.0
      1    .078052     .105244
      1   P   3   give  1.0
      1   2.159164    0.320438
      1   1.855827   -0.467669
      1    .383991    0.427095
      1   P   1   give  1.0
      1    .163129    1.0
      1   P   1   give  1.0
      1    .065984    1.0
      1   D   1   give  1.0
      1    .730000    1.0
      1   D   1   give  1.0
      1    .270000    1.0

 I-ECP    46    3
  0.0         0 1.0
 50.44054     2 2.648255
 42.905904    2 2.226666
 5.445394     2 0.644831
 I-ECP    46    3
 $SCF NCO=7, $end
 $MC  MAXIT=30,nocas=1,nocan=0, $END
    ***     CALCUL MCSCF DE I2 1S+ + 1Pi      ***
    0   10    1    3    0  0 0         0         0         0    0    0
 $GUGDIA NSTATE=8,maxit=160,  $END
 $GUGDM2 nstate=8,istate=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,wstate=8*1.0, $END
 $PUN nopltx=1,noplto=1,gamess=1,biosym=1,hyperc=1, $END

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