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Re: libstdc++/9378: 64-bit g++: construct base:std::moneypunct_byname<char>->memory fault

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 14:24:10 -0700
Martin Sebor <> wrote:

>FWIW, I don't think the requirements on the ctors of class
>locale are relevant in this case. The problem is, IMO, that
>there are no requirements at all on the ctors of the byname
>facets, so pretty much anything goes. I.e., abort is just
>as legal as successful construction.

Hmm. I wasn't paying attention, and didn't realize these were _byname facets. 
It doesn't really matter though, because.... - Class locale::facet [lib.locale.facet]

-4- For some standard facets a standard ``..._byname'' class, derived
from it, implements the virtual function semantics equivalent to that
facet of the locale constructed by locale(const char*) with the same

So, with this equivalence argument, I think the original point still
holds: these name strings are implementation-defined, and people should
not assume that any arbitray string will in fact, lead to a constructed
locale object.


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