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Re: Irix6 long doubles implemented wrong? (27_io/ostream_inserter_arith)

 > From: "Kaveh R. Ghazi"
 > My knowledge of assembly is limited and I'm certainly no floating
 > point expert.  But it seems to me that the routines for * / + and -
 > are named __q_mul, __q_div, __q_add and __q_sub.  There are widening
 > routines named __q_ext and __q_extd for widening a float and a double
 > respectively.  Is there any other operation we need to figure out?

Poking around some more turned up these routines in

[662]   | 263004512|      40|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_ext
[663]   | 263004592|      44|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_floti
[664]   | 263004636|      44|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_flotj
[665]   | 263004680|      52|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_flotju
[666]   | 263004800|     112|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_flotku
[667]   | 263005200|      48|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_ne
[668]   | 263005248|      28|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_neg
[672]   | 262962368|    1236|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_mul
[3293]  | 263003000|    1464|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_div
[3294]  | 263004464|      48|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_eq
[3295]  | 263004552|      40|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_extd
[3296]  | 263004732|      68|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_flotk
[3297]  | 263004912|      72|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_ge
[3298]  | 263004984|      72|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_gt
[3299]  | 263005056|      72|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_le
[3300]  | 263005128|      72|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_lt
[3301]  | 262961324|    1044|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_add
[3302]  | 262963604|    1052|FUNC |GLOB |DEFAULT  |MIPS_TEXT|__q_sub

I think it's obvious some are comparison operators.  The ones with
__q_flot* seem to be integer conversions, but I'm not sure what each
one does specifically.

Kaveh R. Ghazi

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