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Re: ARM/THUMB long calls stubs

I've been trying some hackware to workaround this stubs problem, and wondered if anyone (e.g. Nick/Richard!) could comment on the following:

I've coded some extra stubs in assembler, e.g.

.section .ram_code

.globl _call_ram2rom_via_r3
BX r3

Then I perform a two-stage compile on the compilation units that are present in the .ram_code section (you'll love this...)

# compile but don't assemble the cpp file, to get assembler source
arm-elf-g++ $(FLAGS) -S -c cfile.cpp -o cfile.s
# replace occurences of call_via_rX with my versions of the stubs
sed -e s/call_via_r/call_ram2rom_via_r/ cfile.s > cfile.S
# assemble the resultant file
arm-elf-g++ $(FLAGS) -c cfile.S -o cfile.o

Then link it all together! I realise this is a bit of a bodge to say the least, but I can't think of any reason why it shouldn't work. However ld inserts invalid destinations on the BL instruction where it should BL call_ram2rom_via_rX. I tried compiling with and without the -mthumb-interwork flag. If I don't set the flag, the linker complains with the following message:

output/libNoOS.a(ramcode_stubs.o)(_call_ram2rom_via_r3): warning:
interworking not enabled.

/../arm-elf/bin/ld: first occurrence: output/app_entry_ramcode.o:
thumb call to arm
output/app_entry_ramcode.o(.ram_code+0x70): internal error: dangerous

If I _do_ set the flag, there are no errors, but instead of a BL to my stub, I get a BL to hyperspace (round about the middle of my IRQ stack...)

I suspect this bodgery is causing the linker to fall over - any clues on how I might shoehorn it?


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