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g++ compiled executable calls the wrong function

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Dear Sirs/Mesdames: I have come across a problem that I do not know how
to categorize
or isolate and I am writing to you to ask whether you can think of
anything that might help
track this down. I understand that this doesn't fit within the usual bug
submissions, but
hope you might have some advice as this does appear to be a bug: it is
persistent and
reproducible. I do not know how to go about reproducing this as a small
example, because
I have ~ 70K code lines.

I am porting this code, currently under development from Solaris to
Linux. The code as written
executes correctly on Solaris using SunPro CC 5.1. My linux
configuration is:

platform:  RHL 7.1 2.4.2-smp kernel
gcc version:   3.0.1 & 3.0.2

problem:   wrong code called:

in the snippet below,   dSet  resolves to a subclass of DataSet,  (say
ODataSet) which
inherits from  class O and from DataSet.

instead of calling  ODataSet::initialize,  something else is called [

later, inside the call to  DataSet::setData , line 11,

a function  called  ODataSet::setArrays is to be called. Instead,
ODataSet::initialize  is called, which
puts the program into a race condition.

>   1            try
>   2              {
>   3                      std::auto_ptr dSet(p->MakeDataSet());
>   4                      dSet->initialize(p,*record);
>   5                      size_t group = record->groupNumber();
>   6                      const IntegerArray& SN = record->spectrumNumber();
>   7                      const IntegerArray& dataRow = record->spectrumRange();
>   8                      size_t ns = SN.size();
>   9                      for (size_t j = 0; j < ns; ++j)
>   10                      {
>   11                             dSet->setData(SN[j],group,dataRow[j]);
>   12                     }
>                         dSet->closeSourceFiles();
>                         std::cerr << " after setData \n";
>                         record->data(dSet.release());
>                         ++record;
>                 }
>                 catch (XSparse::AbortLoop)
>                 {
>                         // /* was entered, remove the rest of the input arguments
>                         // and stop processing this loop.
>                         while (record != inputData.end()) record = inputData.erase(record);
>                         break;
>                 }
>                 catch (YellowAlert&)
>                 {
>                         // problem processing data: remove current iteration
>                         // and continue.
>                         record = inputData.erase(record);
>                         continue;
>                 }

I would be grateful for any suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

Ben Dorman

Ben Dorman, Ph.D.   Lead Programmer Analyst, Emergent IT
Xspec Technical Support:
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics    Tel: [301]-286-9261
Code 664, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt MD 20771    Fax: [301]-286-1629

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