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gcc bug: compoiler generates code that causes core dump


    Here it is, and it is the same in both the latest release (2.95.3) and 
the earlier one (2.95.2).

    Please do not hesitate to page me, as I will be glad to elaborate on 
this bug.

    David Miller
    212-673-9781 (H)
    888-849-3329 (B)

>// g++ -c bugtest.cpp   -g -D_REENTRANT -Wno-long-long -frepo -I. 
>// g++ -o bugtest  bugtest.o
>#include <iostream>
>#include <typeinfo>
>int main()
>      std::cout << "typeid( std::cerr ).name() = " << typeid( std::cerr 
> ).name()
><< std::endl ;
>    std::ostream * pStrm = &std::cerr ;
>      typeid( *pStrm );   // THIS LINE CAUSES A SEGMENTATION ERROR, apparently
>due to a null pointer being used in getting the type info.
>    return 0 ;

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