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Re: unexpected parse error in #define

Neil Booth wrote:
> > The odds are overwhelming that the actual problem is that there's a
> > space at the end of line 2 of test.c.  In all released versions of
> > GCC, \-newline doesn't trigger continuation if there's whitespace
> > between the \ and the end of the line.
> > 
> > We recently discussed changing this but I don't remember if it was
> > implemented or not.
> Yes it is.  Currently backslash-horizontal space(s)-newline is removed
> from the input, no matter what the context.  Here newline can be '\r'
> '\n' '\r\n' or '\n\r'.
> Jamie, when your paperwork finishes could you please use
> skip_escped_newlines () in your skip_line_comment patch so we stay
> consistent here?

The patch you have does already.  The output from this test:

   // foo  \      <- spaces after backslash

is this:

# 1 ""
<stdin>:1:1: warning: backslash and newline separated by space
<stdin>:1:1: warning: multi-line comment

If "bar" is replaced by "// bar", you get the first warning but not the
second which is correct.  If there are no spaces after the backslash,
but there is a carriage return, you don't get the first warning; this is
also correct.

-- Jamie

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