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Re: [Muq-bugs] gcc 2.95.2 -O9 int <--> long long bug?

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Cynbe ru Taren wrote:

> Dunno if this is a known issue or what, but there appears to be
> a gcc 2.95.2 issue with implicit long long <--> int conversions
> at optimization level -O9.
> Here is a sample program for reproducing the problem:
>     #include <stdio.h>
>     #include <sys/types.h>
>     #include <sys/stat.h>
>     #include <fcntl.h>
>     int  vopen(const unsigned char* file,int line,const unsigned char* name,int mode );
>     #define vmopen(x,y) vopen(__FILE__,__LINE__,x,y)
>     int
>     vopen(
> 	const unsigned char* file,
> 	      int     line,
> 	const unsigned char* name,
> 	      int     mode
>     ){
> 	int fd = open(name,mode);
> 	/* This wrapper gives us a central place */
> 	/* to add debugging logic or such.       */
> 	printf("%s.%d: vopen(%s,%d) = %d...\n",file,line,name,mode,fd);
> 	return fd;
>     }
>     void
>     dbDuplicate(
> 	void
>     ) {
> 	long long   fd;
> 	unsigned char  buf[ 256 ];
> 	strcpy( buf, "touch mytest.tmp" );
> 	system(buf);
> 	strcpy( buf, "mytest.tmp" );

> 	if ((fd = vmopen( buf, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
> 	    close( fd );
> 	    printf("mytest.tmp FOUND\n");
> 	} else {
> 	    printf("mytest.tmp LOST\n");
> 	}
>     }

I think that this conditional is where the problem is..

I ran both of the programs under an strace (out1/out2 are with and without
-O9 optimization):

strace -F -f -o out1.log ./out1
strace -F -f -o out2.log ./out2 

cat out1.log | sed -es/3074/3071/g | sed -es/3075/3072/g | diff - out2.log 

THe 'seds' are to make the process numbers congruent so that I don't get
superflouis lines in the diff. The diff reports the two programs as being
essentially identical when running. (AT least in terms of system call
trace.) There are no differences in terms of files created, opened,
mmapped, stat'ed.

Therefore it must be the result of the 'if'. The cast from 'long long' in
return values down to 'int' for storing in 'fd'. Changing the declaration
of 'fd' to an int fixes the problem.

>     int
>     main( int argc, char** argv ) {
>       dbDuplicate();
>     }

As such, I submit a reduced and standalone testcase that does not create
extra files:

    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

          /* We need a system call or another function that returns a
pid_t, so we use 'fork'. */
        int pid;
        if ((pid = fork())) {
          printf("pid output: %d\n",pid);
          return pid;
        } else {
          /* If it's the child, just exit */

    ) {
        long long   pid;

        if ((pid = vopen()) >= 0) {
            printf("pid is >= 0\n");
        } else {
            printf("pid is not >= 0\n");

    main( int argc, char** argv ) {

--- With this output ---

crosby@dragonlight:/tmp$ gcc -o out3 -O2 bugtest.c ; ./out3
pid output: 3675
pid is >= 0
crosby@dragonlight:/tmp$ gcc -o out3 -O9 bugtest.c ; ./out3
pid output: 3683
pid is not >= 0



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