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Re: destructor of static object not called

Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> Thomas Kunert <> writes:
> | Hi,
> |
> | The code
> |
> |         #include <iostream>
> |       struct A {
> |           void f(){};
> |           A(){ std::cout << 1 << endl; }
> |           ~A(){ for(;;); std::cout << 2 << endl;}
> |       };
> |       template<class T>
> |       struct B {
> |           B(){ a.f(); }
> |           static A a;
> |       };
> |       template <class T>
> |       A B<T>::a;
> |       int main()
> |       {
> |           B<int> b;
> |       }
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | gives the output
> |
> |       1
> |
> | but should give
> |
> |       1
> |       2
> Really?
> 14.7.1/1
>   [...] The implicit instantiation of a class template specialization
>   causes the implicit instantiation of the declarations, but *not* of
>   the definitions or default arguments, of the class member functions,
>   member classes, static data members and member templates [...]
> Emphasis is mine.
> Actually the bug is the construction of B<int>::a.

Thanks for your explanation.
I think, since the code actally refers to this static data member (in
the constructor of B) it should be initialized, as stated later in the
cited paragraph. 


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