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Cross compile - cygwin to VxWorks

I have tried to build a cross compiler using snapshot 20000605 hosted on
cygwin and targeted to vxWorks. I get a compilation error for file
intl/localealias.c using memcpy (lines 337/342).

The problem is that the result from memcpy is assigned to a variable but
memcpy has been #DEFINED to bcopy which does not have a result. This is due
to HAVE_STRING_H not being defined and then line 61

#include <strings.h>
# ifndef memcpy
#  define memcpy(Dst, Src, Num) bcopy (Src, Dst, Num)
# endif

I worked around the problem by removing these lines and then casting the
result from the memcpy to a char*

I have previously managed to build a cross compiler using snapshots prior to

I will try and determine why HAVE_STRING_H is not defined


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