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gcc version 2.96 20000501, ICE 20000422 <memory>

Hi there,

Thise code passes g++ 2000-04-02 but crashes with gcc version 2.96
The code passes with
g++ bug.cpp
but not with
g++ -O bug.cpp

/home/petern/gcc/install/gcc/2000-05-01/include/g++-3/memory: In
instantiation of `auto_ptr<_Tp>::auto_ptr (int) [with _Tp =
bug.cpp:62:   instantiated from `ManagedSingleton::InstanceManager<T,
ManagedSingleton::CleanupMgr>::instance () [with T =
bug.cpp:99:   instantiated from here
Internal compiler error 20000422.
/home/petern/gcc/install/gcc/2000-05-01/include/g++-3/memory:55: Please
submit a full bug report.
>>uname -a
Linux petern 2.2.12-20 #2 Wed Apr 12 15:49:41 CEST 2000 i686 unknown
>g++ -v
Reading specs from

gcc version 2.96 20000501 (experimental)

Se also attached temp-files.


namespace ManagedSingleton {
template <typename T /* Singleton type */, typename MANAGER>
class Singleton {
  typedef MANAGER ManagerType;
  typedef T       SingletonType;
  inline static T& instance();            //>x
  inline static const T& constInstance(); //>x
  Singleton()  { };                       // NOTHROW
  ~Singleton() { };                       // NOTHROW
  Singleton(const Singleton&);            // Shouldn't be used
  Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&); // Shouldn't be used

// Singleton Adapter class. Will "convert" a class T into a Singleton.
template <typename T, typename MANAGER>
struct SingletonAdapter: public Singleton<T, MANAGER> { };

// Master template, should never be used.
// This class will manage the individual Singletons.
// A Manager class will exploit this class when managing
// all Singletons as a collection.
template <typename T, typename MANAGER>
class InstanceManager{};

// Implementations
template <typename T, typename MANAGER>
inline T& Singleton<T, MANAGER>::instance() {
  return MANAGER::
    // Patch "template" should not be needed on line below.
    instance<T>(); //>x

template <typename T, typename MANAGER>
inline const T& Singleton<T, MANAGER>::constInstance() { return
instance(); }

}; // namespace ManagedSingleton

#include <memory>

namespace ManagedSingleton {

  struct CleanupMgr {
    template <typename T> static T& instance() {
      return InstanceManager<T, CleanupMgr>::instance(); //>x

  template <typename T>
  class InstanceManager<T, CleanupMgr> {
    friend class CleanupMgr;
    static T& instance() {
      static std::auto_ptr<T> instance_(new T);  //>x
      return *instance_.get();                   // NOTHROW
}; // namespace ManagedSingleton

#include <iostream>
#include <exception> // For terminate

typedef ManagedSingleton::CleanupMgr Mgr;

using namespace ManagedSingleton;

class WillBecomeSingleton {
  template <typename DS, typename MGR2> friend class InstanceManager;
  friend class std::auto_ptr<WillBecomeSingleton>; // Not the best
solution, but simple ...
  typedef int CountType;
  void print() const throw() { std::cerr <<
"WillBecomeSingleton.print()" << std::endl; }
  int testFunction() throw(const char*) {
    throw "Simulate failure in WillBecomeSingleton::testFunction()";
    return 1;
  WillBecomeSingleton() throw(const char*){
    std::cerr << "WillBecomeSingleton" << std::endl;
  ~WillBecomeSingleton() throw() { std::cerr << "~WillBecomeSingleton"
<< std::endl; }

typedef SingletonAdapter<WillBecomeSingleton, Mgr> AdaptedSingleton;

int main(int argc, const char** argv){
  return 0;


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