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gcc 2.95.1 Internal compiler error in `purge_addressof_1', at function.c:3173

The GCC version: 2.95.1 and 2.95.2

The system type: DEC Alpha OSF1 V4.0 or V5.0

All options you passed to the compiler: -O2 -c

Preprocessed output of the source file that caused the compiler error, even if the source code can be downloaded from elsewhere: See attachment


[galaxy]$ /usr/local/gcc-2.95.2/bin/gcc -O2 -c gccbug.c 
gccbug.c: In function `ftp_gen_html_eplf':
gccbug.c:164: Internal compiler error in `purge_addressof_1', at function.c:3173
Please submit a full bug report.
See <URL:> for instructions.

typedef	unsigned long 	size_t;

typedef struct {
	char *type;
	char *code;
	char *icon;
	char xfer;
} mimetype;

mimetype *mimetype_txt_lookup(const char *name);

typedef struct {
	char	*b;
	char	*e;
} ca_t;

extern void *kmem_alloc(unsigned int km_size, unsigned int km_flags);

char * ca_rspn(char *begin, char *end, const char *s);
char * ca_find(const char *begin, const char *end, char chr);
char * ca_qfind(const char *begin, const char *end, char chr);
char * ca_rfind(char *begin, char *end, char chr);
char * ca_spn(const char *begin, const char *end, const char *s);
char * ca_cspn(const char *begin, const char *end, const char *s);
char * ca_rcspn(char *begin, char *end, const char *s);
char * ca_caspn(char *begin, char *end, const char *s1, const char *s2);
char * ca_ccaspn(char *begin, char *end, const char *s1, const char *s2);
void ca_ws_tok(const char *begin, const char *end, char **tbegin, 
		 char **tend, char *ws);
char * ca_tok(char *buf, char *end, ca_t *tok, const char *sep, const char *ws);
char * ca_rtok(char *buf, char *end, ca_t *tok, const char *sep,
	       const char *ws);
char * ca_to_str(const char *begin, const char *end);

long ca_to_l(const char *begin, const char *end, char **endptr, 
	register int base);
int ca_to_hex(const char *begin, const char *end);
void ca_dup(const char *begin, const char *end, char** to_begin, char** to_end);
struct mbuf * ca_to_mbuf(char* begin, char* end);
int ca_cmp(const char *a_begin, const char *a_end, const char *b_begin,
	const char *b_end);
int ca_casecmp(const char *a_begin, const char *a_end, const char *b_begin,
	const char *b_end);
int ca_prefix(const char *a_begin, const char *a_end, const char *pre_begin,
	      const char *pre_end);
int ca_caseprefix(const char *a_begin, const char *a_end, const char *pre_begin,
		  const char *pre_end);
int ca_suffix(const char *a_begin, const char *a_end, const char *suf_begin,
	      const char *suf_end);
char * ca_ca(char *haystack_begin, char *haystack_end, char *needle_begin, 
	     char *needle_end);
extern int snprintf(char *buf, size_t sz, const char *fmt,...)
    __attribute__ ((__format__ (printf, 3, 4)));
struct tm {
	int	tm_sec;		 
	int	tm_min;		 
	int	tm_hour;	 
	int	tm_mday;	 
	int	tm_mon;		 
	int	tm_year;	 
	int	tm_wday;	 
	int	tm_yday;	 
	int	tm_isdst;	 
	int	tm_gmtoff;	 
	char	*tm_zone;	 
typedef	int 	time_t;

struct timeval {
	int	tv_sec;		 
	int	tv_usec;	 
extern struct timeval nc_curtimeval;

static int
ftp_gen_html_eplf(char *buf, char *end, char *eol)
	char *bufp, *tabc, *date, *file;
	ca_t tok;
	struct tm modt;
	time_t time, nowt;
	char type, sizf;
	unsigned int size;
	int n;

	((void)0) ;
	eol = ca_rspn(buf, eol, "\r\n");
	if ((bufp = buf + 1) >= eol ||
	    (tabc = ca_find(bufp, eol, '\t')) == eol ||
	    (eol - tabc + 1 <= 0))
		return -1;

	file = ca_to_str(tabc+1, eol);
	type = '\0';
	sizf = '\0';
	size = 0;
	date = 0;
	while (bufp < tabc) {
		bufp = ca_tok(bufp, tabc, &tok, ",", "");
		if (tok.b == tabc)

		switch (*tok.b) {
		case 'r':	 
		case '/':	 
			type = *tok.b;
		case 's':	 
			if (++tok.b < tok.e)
				size = ftp_gen_size(&tok, &sizf);
		case 'm':	 

			if (++tok.b >= tok.e)
			nowt = nc_curtimeval.tv_sec ;
			time = ca_to_l(tok.b, tok.e, 0, 10);
			localtime_r(&time, &modt);
			date = kmem_alloc(13, 0x00000002 );
			strftime(date, 13, (time + ((365  / 2) * ((int) (60  * 60 )  * 24 ) )  > nowt) ?
				 "%h %e %Y" : "%h %e %H:%M", &modt);

	if (type == '/') {
		n = snprintf(buf, end-buf,
			"<IMG SRC=\"internal-gopher-menu\" ALT=\"[DIR] \"> "
			"<A HREF=\"%s/\">%s</A>%s",
			file, file, ftp_filldots(file));
		if (date)
			n += snprintf(buf+n, end-buf-n, "[%12s]\n", date);
			n += snprintf(buf+n, end-buf-n, "\n");
	} else if (type == 'r') {
		mimetype *mtype = mimetype_txt_lookup(file);
		n = snprintf(buf, end-buf,
			"<IMG SRC=\"internal-gopher-%s\" ALT=\"[FILE]\"> "
			"<A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>%s",
			mtype->icon, file, file, ftp_filldots(file));
		if (date)
			n += snprintf(buf+n, end-buf-n, "[%12s]", date);
			n += snprintf(buf+n, end-buf-n, "              ");
		if (sizf)
			n += snprintf(buf+n, end-buf-n, " %6d%c\n", size, sizf);
			n += snprintf(buf+n, end-buf-n, "\n");
	} else {
		n = 0;

	if (file)
	if (date)
	return n > 0 && n < end-buf ? 0 : -1;

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