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G++ function-try-block discrepencies

Mike Stump
Here is the list of discrepancies that I have found so far in the way function-try-blocks are handled by G++.
I used the following simple program in various forms
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
static int count = 0;
struct T {
 int i;
 T() :i(++count) { cout << "Making T #" << i << endl; }
 T(const T& obj) :i(++count) { cout << "Copying T #" << obj.i << " to T #" << i << endl; }
 ~T() { cout << "Destroying T #" << i << endl; }
int dummyInit(bool f)
 if (f) throw logic_error("Constructor exception");
 return 0;
struct Dummy {
 T tmp;
 int i;
 Dummy(T t, bool f);
Dummy::Dummy(T t, bool f)
try : tmp(t), i(dummyInit(f))
 cout << "Ctor: f = " << f << endl;
catch (logic_error& err) {
 cout << "Ctor catch(logic_error): what = " << err.what() << endl;
 cout << "Constructor was passed T #" << t.i << ", f = " << f << endl;
 return; file://###1
try {
 cout << "Dummy::dtor" << endl;
 throw std::logic_error("Destructor exception");
catch (logic_error& err) {
 cout << "Dtor catch(logic_error): what = " << err.what() << endl;
 cout << "Declaring a Dummy" << endl;
 try {
  T tmp;
  Dummy obj(tmp, true);
  cout << "main: 'obj' construction complete" << endl;
 } catch (logic_error& err) {
  cout << "main catch(logic_error): what = " << err.what() << endl;
  return -1;
 } catch (...) {
  cout << "main catch(...)" << endl;
  return -1;
 return 0;
A. The Standard says [15.3/11: The fully constructed base classes and members of an object shall be destroyed before entering the handler of a function-try-block for the constructor or destructor of that object.]
The output of this program shows that the member 'tmp' is constructed before the exception, but not destroyed before entering the handler for either the constructor's or the destructor's function-try-block.
B. The Standard says [15.3/15: If a return statement appears in the handler of a function-try-block of a constructor, the program is ill-formed]
I assume that the program above should issue a diagnostic for the return statement at ###1
C. The Standard says [15.3/16: The exception being handled is rethrown if control reaches the end of a handler of the function-try-block of a constructor or a destructor.]
If we remove the 'return' at ###1, the program demonstrates that the exception is not rethrown at the end of the constructor's function-try-block. Nor is it rethrown at the end of the destructor's function-try-block. The behavior in both cases is as if the handler of the function-try-block returned.
This is all I have discovered so far. I will be doing some more testing in the future. If I haven't mentioned it before, I think it is really great that G++ supports function-try-blocks. I intend to be using them in the near future.
Jack Reeves

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