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Re: Obsolete pedwarns in c-decl.c:grokdecl

> So, there's no need to issue a diagnostic.  I don't have a copy of
> c89, so I can only guess that a diagnostic was required for duplicated
> qualifiers.  How should I fix this?  Drop the pedwarns completely?
> Append `&& !flag_isoc9x' to the condition?

In my view, pedwarn has a very clear semantics: adhere to the standard
by the letter. So, it is either one of the last two. Ideally, someone
(perhaps you?) could verify if there is such a requirement in ISO C
90, or ANSI C89 (hopefully it is in both, or neither).

If that case must be diagnosed, we must continue to diagnose it,
unless flag_isoc9x is given. If there is no requirement to diagnose it
under any standard, the pedwarn must go.

Given that the Jan 18, 1999 committee draft lists "idempotent type
qualifiers" as a change over, it appears that it would be the "no
warning with flag_isoc9x" version. However, we should make absolutely
sure - there is no point changing the compiler based on guessing.


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