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Hidden virtual functions


Here is a program.
The egcs compiler compiles it without warnings.
The aCC (HP) compiler compiles it with warning.

Is it worth doing the same in the egcs compiler?

        Thanks in advance,

//------------------- C++ code : BEGIN -------------------

// main.C
#include <iostream.h>

class BBB
        public :
                virtual void fff (char c) {cout << "BBB : " << c <<
                virtual void fff (float f) {cout << "BBB : " << f <<

class DDD : public BBB  // Line#10
        public :
                void fff (char c) {cout << "DDD : " << c << endl;}

int main ()
DDD     ddd;
char    c1 = 'x';
float   f1 = 456.678;

        ddd.fff (c1);
        ddd.fff (f1);
        return 0;

//------------------- C++ code : END ----------------------

//######### egcs compiler #################################

//------------------- Compilation Results : BEGIN ---------
% g++ -ancsi -pedantic main.C

--- No warnings ---
--- No errors -----

//------------------- Compilation Results : END -----------



//------------------- Running Results : BEGIN -------------

DDD : x

//------------------- Running Results : END ---------------

//------------------- Compiler & System  ------------------

g++ -v     : gcc version egcs-2.91.57 19980901
             (egcs-1.1 release)

uname -a   : SunOS <nodename> 5.6 Generic_105181-09
             sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCstation-5



//######### aCC compiler ##################################

//------------------- Compilation Results : BEGIN ---------
% aCC main.C

Warning 652: "/n/s8/homesun8.2/users/alexv/main.C", line 10 # Virtual
function "void BBB::fff(float)" is hidden by "void DDD::fff(char)"; did
you forget to override it?
    class DDD : public BBB

//------------------- Compilation Results : END -----------



//------------------- Running Results : BEGIN -------------

DDD : x

//------------------- Running Results : END ---------------

//------------------- Compiler & System  ------------------

what /bin/aCC
           HP aC++ B3910B A.01.06
           HP aC++ B3910B A.01.01 Support Library

uname -srv : HP-UX B.10.20 A



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