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Bug in egcs g++


I believe I've found a bug in egcs g++ related to typedef.

If the compiler produces an error message for valid input, that is a
compiler bug. 

I believe my input to be valid.  The compiler produces an error message.

/tmp$g++ -v
Reading specs from
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)

Sample bug-producing file

--------------test.cpp begins--------------
// Testprogram to test typedef bug in egcs-2.91.66

#include    <stddef.h>

typedef void* MyVoidPtr;

class TestCls {
   MyVoidPtr operator new ( size_t Size )
     { return (MyVoidPtr) new int[Size]; }
  void operator delete (MyVoidPtr address)
     { delete [] address;  };
--------------test.cpp ends--------------

command-line and output
/tmp$g++ test.cpp
test.cpp:12: `operator new' must return type `void *'
test.cpp:14: `operator delete' takes type `void *' as first parameter

type of machine
Win32 (Win95) CygWin B20.1 i386 (Pentium, actually).

operands to configure
None -- I haven't changed the compiler from the CygWin B20.1 distribution.

Behavior that I believe is incorrect
The compiler complains with two errors (see above under "command-line and
output").  Note that the problem seems to be only with new and delete, not
with any other member functions.  I believe that after

typedef void* MyVoidPtr;

"MyVoidPtr" and "void*" should be interchangable.  If this is not correct,
I repent in dust and ashes, lay my hand over my mouth, and apologize :-).

Best regards,

Ulrik Petersen

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