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Re: gcc bug?

At 19:07 14.06.99 , Chris Cochrane wrote:
>I can't believe I've found a gcc bug at this stage in its life,
>but can't explain the misbehavior we see any other way.  Perhaps
>someone can show me the light.  The first function in the following
>file fails as described below...Chris

Hmm, for which values does it fail? Can you turn this in an example that 
aborts on error condition? I can't see anything suspicious here, except 
maybe the bc 12,2,.L2, a blt (I expected a beq). But I couldn't get it to 
fail on some testruns I tried.

         stwu 1,-16(1)
         mflr 0
         stw 0,20(1)
         addis 9,0,num_lines@ha
         lhz 0,num_lines@l(9)
         subfc 0,0,3
         li 0,0
         adde 0,0,0
         subfic 3,3,1
         subfe 3,3,3
         neg 3,3
         and. 11,0,3
         bc 12,2,.L2
         li 3,1
         li 4,2
         li 5,3
         bl assert
         lwz 0,20(1)
         mtlr 0
         la 1,16(1)

gcc turns the code into 2 Scc's and the results are and'ed together.


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