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Sujet: member operator of nested class template partial specialization bug

This program fails to compile with egcs-2.93.21 but is seems legal and
compile with egcs-2.91.66 (egcs-1.1.2 release). 
Note that if the member operator is replaced by another operator this
also fails to compile and if it is replaced by a member function this

Reading specs from/users/huron3/doreille/TOOLS/install-egcs-19990502-sparc/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/egcs-2.93.21/specs 
gcc version egcs-2.93.21 19990502 (gcc2 ss-980929 experimental)


template<class T>
struct  a {
  struct b {
    T operator()();

template<class T>
T a<T>::b::operator()() { return T(0); }

template<> int a<int>::b::operator()() { return 1; }

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