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bug report

Dear Sir
I would like to report an internal compiler error. Information can be
found as follows:

(1) The egcs version is GNU C++ version egcs-2.91.60

(2) The system type is Ultrasparc-sun-solaris2.5.1

(3) set VTKPATH = /vol/vssp/3D-data/vtk/vtk2.0-ogl-cc/vtk20p1
    /opt/GNUdevelop/bin/g++ -v --save-temps -c -DGNU -D__sol2__ -Dunix -DNEWGCC
    -D_REENTRANT -Wall -pipe -DAMMA_CHECK -ansi -I. -I$VTKPATH/common
    -I/vol/vssp/local/amma/inc/sol2 -I/vol/vssp/local/amma/inc -o objs/$1.o

(4) Preprocessed output of the source file that caused the compiler error is
    put at

Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully
Peter Yuen

Ps Source, error messages and compile options can also be found at above web

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