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Re: Bug in egcs-1.1.2 on HP-UX 10.20

Am 27.03.1999 um 09:22:16 +0100 schrieb Martin v. Loewis folgendes:
> > Shouldn't egcs implicitly link pthreads when weak symbols are not
> > available?
> Perhaps. I believe this is also supposed to work via multilibs
> somehow: if the compiler is not invoked with -threads, it should link
> a different copy of libgcc. Somehow, this doesn't seem to work; but I
> don't know how HPUX works in the first place :-)

This is very odd, since egcs-1.1.1 worked more or less out-of-the-box.
I've had several problems in building egcs-1.1.2 on HP-UX 10.20:

* I had to remove my CFLAGS (-O -I$prefix/include) and LDFLAGS (-L$prefix/lib)
* I had to remove the $prefix/lib/gcc-lib directory
* Because of this I had to use HP's cc (export CC=cc)

I know that HP-SUX 10.20 has some threads (though not POSIX compliant)
that come with the optional DCE package (/opt/dce) !

Right now I'm rebuilding (yawn) egcs using this:

../configure --prefix=/users2/local --with-gnu-as
--enable-version-specific-runtime-libs --disable-threads


Ralf Hildebrandt <>
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