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Re: pgcc-1.1.1 g77 boolean functions problems

>It's not a strict egcs problem, but I am sending it to you so that you
>know it ( and carefully merge with pgcc sources ).

Turns out it isn't a problem at all, at least not in egcs 1.1.2, nor
in egcs 1.0.3a.

I suggest you report the bug to the pgcc people.

        tq vm, (burley)

>Please note that there seems to be a bug in g77 boolean functions :
>      integer*4 ibol,ibol1,ipas,ipas1
>      ibol  = '87654321'x
>      print'(z8)',ibol
>      ibol1 = 'ffffffff'x
>      print'(z8)',ibol1
>      ipas=iand(ibol,ibol1)
>      print'(z8)',ipas
>      ipas1=ishft(ipas,-8)
>      print'(z8)',ipas1
>      stop
>      end
>Wrong output from pgcc-1-1-1 "g77 -g" { g77 version pgcc-2.91.60 19981201
>(egcs-1.1.1 release) (from FSF-g77 version 0.5.24-19980804) } :
>      21
>       0
>In both cases ( iand, ishft ) only the least significant BYTE is taken into
>account ( instead of the whole integer ).
>Correct output from "fort77" and from pure "egcs-1.1.1" g77 :
>  876543
>Best regards,
>P.S. Please answer directly to me, I'm not on your list. Thanks in
>     advance, Jacek.

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