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EGCS asked for it

While compiling this text:
template<class T,int n> T factorial()
 return factorial<T,n-1>() * T(n);

template<class T,int n> T factorial<T,2>()
{              // this is line 7
 return T(2);

int main()
 int a = factorial<int,10>();
I get 
templ.cpp:7: Internal compiler error.
templ.cpp:7: Please submit a full bug report to `'.

Line 7 is marked.

g++ --version yields: egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)

I suspect I am doing something wrong.  Please help me figure out what.

Thank you.

Phone (415) 878-4261, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pacific Time

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