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GNU C++ error

First of all, excuse me to send this email, but I'm following the
instructions that the compiler show me trying to compile the attached
Also, I want to clear that the motivation for compiling that programs was 
to probe the new ANSI C++ features.

And also, finally, I am sending this message duplicated because the same 
error was produced by g++ 2.8.1 (MIT) and egcs 2.9.20 (Cygnus).

The error was (the same for the two compilers):
pru_tem3:8:internal compiler error
pru_tem3:8:please send a complete bug report to

pru_tem2.cpp works fine. It's a simply function templated use.
pru_tem3.cpp contains the templated function and an especialization of it.

I hope that this could help you in some way.



Q: How many C++ programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: You're still thinking procedurally! A properly designed light bulb object
would inherit a change method from a generic light bulb class!
PAC -- Jose Baltasar Garcia Perez-Schofield
Escuela Técnica de Informática de Gestión
Dep. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos, Universidad de Vigo (Spain)
Tfno. 988-387029 Email.
#include <iostream>

template<class T, class U>
 void conv(const T& x,U& y) { y = static_cast<U>(x); }

template<class T, class U>
 void conv<const char*, int>(const char*& x,int y)
  { y = reinterpret_cast<int>(x); };

using namespace std;
int main(void)
        int i = 65;
        char c;

        conv(i,c);   // Conv i en c.

        cout << c;   // 'a'
        cout << endl;
#include <iostream>

template<class T, class U>
 void conv(const T& x,U& y) { y = static_cast<U>(x); }

using namespace std;
int main(void)
        int i = 65;
        char c;

        conv(i,c);   // Conv i en c.

        cout << c;   // 'a'
        cout << endl;

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