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Re: Template Specialization Again

On Feb 17, 1999, "Ross Smith" <> wrote:

  > Not true; C++ does support partial specialisation (also called partial
  > ordering) of function templates, and it's implemented in EGCS.

  That's not partial specialization, it's called overloading with
  partial ordering, which is exactly what I implied with the example I
  provided.  They have different names because they're difference
  concepts.  If you don't agree, try to get the effect of partial
  specialization for the following snippet:

  template <typename T> void foo(T);
  template <typename T> void foo(T*); // ``specialized'' version
  template <typename T> class bar { private: int i;
    friend void foo<T>(T);
  template <typename T> void foo(T) {
    bar<T>().i = 0; // ok, I'm a friend
  template <typename T> void foo(T*) {
    bar<T*>().i = 1; // error, I'm not a friend
  int main() {
    int j = 0;
    foo(j); // calls foo<int>(int), ok
    foo(&j); // calls foo<int>(int*), due to partial ordering, error
    foo<int*>(&j); // calls foo<int*>(int*), ok

  Note that the current release (and the latest snapshot) will fail on
  the third invocation too, despite its being perfectly legal :-(
  Maybe Mark Mitchell's recently submitted patch for template resolution 
  in the presence of explicit specifiers will fix this case...

I get: test-g++ -c test2.C
  test2.C: In function `void foo<int>(int *)':
  test2.C:15:   instantiated from here
  test2.C:10: member `i' is a private member of class `bar<int *>'

which looks right to me. 

Mark Mitchell
Mark Mitchell Consulting

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