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On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:24:01 -0000, "Gregory, Allan" wrote:
>Ok, got GNU make 3.77, doing make -v gives its version as 3.77
>	doing make bootstrap still fails the compile gencodes.c with
>__builtin_va_alist as undefined.
>Again I have removed cccp.o objdir/gcc, when I do a make bootstarp now, it
>fails to compile cccp.c with the same error (about __builtin_va_list).
>What puzzles me about this, is that it compiles cccp.c the first time that I
>ran make bootstrap, but it can not compile it after the first time!

Ok.  __builtin_va_list is defined in gcc/ginclude/stdarg.h, and that
directory should be put in the include search path automatically.
What is the command printed by Make that fails?  (either one)


p.s. please keep <> in the cc: list.

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