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g++ error report


I got the following message when I using g++ to compile a c++ progrom
which I used a friend function for a template class.

ProtoClu.cpp:29: Internal compiler error 9.
ProtoClu.cpp:29: Please submit a full bug report to

The souce code is attached. The information of the OS and g++&gcc are : 
Linux 2.0.35 #1 Fri Sep 11 04:06:03 EDT 1998 i686 unknown
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root     root        61964 May  7  1998 g++*
-rwxr-xr-x   2 root     root        44724 May  7  1998 gcc*


Liyu Yi
Mathematical and Computer Sciences Department
Colorado School of Mines
Phone    : (303) 273-3865
Homepage :

// protoclu.cpp

#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "Parameter.h"
#include "Parameter.cpp"

// constants

const int OBJ_NAME_LEN = 16;

class OBJECT {
	int ObjIdx;
	char ObjName[OBJ_NAME_LEN];
	OBJECT * Next;

template <class dist_type>
class CLUSTER {									// 
friend void AssignObj2Clu <dist_type> (CLUSTER<dist_type> *Clusters, int CluNum);
	CLUSTER() {};									// empty constructor
	~CLUSTER() {};									// empty destructor
	void SetClu(OBJECT * ProtoObj) {Index = ProtoObj->ObjIdx;};
	static void SetObj(OBJECT* objSet, int objNum, dist_type ** distMat) {ObjSet = objSet; ObjNum = objNum; DistMat = distMat;};
	static OBJECT * ObjSet;						// object set
	static int ObjNum;							// object number
	static dist_type ** DistMat;				// distance matrix
	int Index;										// index for the prototype object
	OBJECT * CluMem; 								// cluster members
	void PushMem(OBJECT * ObjIdx);
	OBJECT * PopMem();

template <class dist_type>
OBJECT * CLUSTER<dist_type> :: ObjSet = NULL;

template <class dist_type>
int CLUSTER<dist_type> :: ObjNum = 0;

template <class dist_type>
dist_type ** CLUSTER<dist_type> :: DistMat = NULL;

// global variables

PARAMETER const *Param = NULL;

// Function Prototypes

void	ProtoClu(ifstream &inFile, ifstream &lstFile, ofstream &outFile, int CluNum);
void Init(OBJECT *ObjSet, int **DistMat, CLUSTER<int> *Clusters,
          ifstream& inFile, ifstream& lstFile, int ObjNum, int CluNum);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	Param = new  PARAMETER (argc, argv);
	char inFileName[OBJ_NAME_LEN], lstFileName[OBJ_NAME_LEN], outFileName[OBJ_NAME_LEN];
	ifstream inFile, lstFile;
	ofstream outFile;
	int CluNum;										// cluster number
	int pPos;
	pPos = Param->findParam("-h");			// help
	if (pPos != -1) {
		cout << "Usage : ProtoClu [-h] [-if input_file] [-of output_file] [-cn cluter_number] " << endl;
		return 0;

	pPos = Param->findParam("-if");
	if (pPos != -1) 
		strncpy(inFileName, Param->getParam(pPos+1), OBJ_NAME_LEN);
	else {
		cout << "Input file name : ";
		cin  >> inFileName;
	pPos = Param->findParam("-lf");
	if (pPos != -1) 
		strncpy(lstFileName, Param->getParam(pPos+1), OBJ_NAME_LEN);
	else {
		cout << "List file name : ";
		cin  >> lstFileName;
	pPos = Param->findParam("-of");
	if (pPos != -1) 
		strncpy(outFileName, Param->getParam(pPos+1), OBJ_NAME_LEN);
	else {
		cout << "Output file name : ";
		cin  >> outFileName;
	pPos = Param->findParam("-cn");
	if (pPos != -1) 
		CluNum = atoi(Param->getParam(pPos+1));
	else {
		cout << "Cluster number : ";
		cin  >> CluNum;
	assert (CluNum > 0);, ios::out);
	if (!outFile) {
		cout << "Can not open output file." << endl;
		return -1;
	}, ios::in);
	if (!inFile) {
		cout << "Can not open input file." << endl;
		return -1;
	}, ios::in);
	if (!lstFile) {
		cout << "Can not open list file." << endl;
		return -1;
	ProtoClu(inFile, lstFile, outFile, CluNum);

	return 0;

void	ProtoClu(ifstream &inFile, ifstream &lstFile, ofstream &outFile, int CluNum)
	OBJECT * ObjSet;								// objects
	int ObjNum;
	int ** DistMat;								// distance matrix
	int i, tmp;
	lstFile >> ObjNum;
	inFile >> tmp;
	assert (ObjNum == tmp && ObjNum >= CluNum);
	// allocate mem for objects and distance matrix
	ObjSet = new OBJECT[ObjNum];
	assert (ObjSet);
	DistMat = new int* [ObjNum];
	assert (DistMat);
	for (	i=0; i<ObjNum; i++) {
		DistMat[i] = new int[ObjNum];
		assert (DistMat[i]);
	CLUSTER<int> :: SetObj(ObjSet, ObjNum, DistMat);
	// allocate mem for clusters
	CLUSTER<int> * Clusters = new CLUSTER<int> [CluNum];
	Init(ObjSet, DistMat, Clusters, inFile, lstFile, ObjNum, CluNum);
	// free mem for clusters
	delete [] Clusters;	
	// free mem for objects and distance matrix
	delete [] ObjSet;
	for (	i=0; i<ObjNum; i++) 
		delete [] DistMat[i];
	delete [] DistMat;


void Init(OBJECT *ObjSet, int **DistMat, CLUSTER<int> *Clusters,
          ifstream& inFile, ifstream& lstFile, int ObjNum, int CluNum)
	int i, j;
	// read objects
	for (i=0; i<ObjNum; i++) {
		ObjSet[i].ObjIdx = i;
		lstFile >> ObjSet[i].ObjName;
		ObjSet[i].Next = NULL;
	// read distance matrix
	for (i=0; i<ObjNum; i++) 
		for (j=0; j<ObjNum; j++) 
			inFile >> DistMat[i][j];
	// randomly initialize the prototypes
	int *select = new int[ObjNum];
	assert (select);
	memset(select, 0, ObjNum);
	for (i=0; i<CluNum; i++) {
		int sel = rand()/ObjNum;
		if (select[sel] == 0)
	for (i=0, j=0; i<ObjNum; i++)	{
		if (select[i]) 
	delete [] select;

template <class dist_type>
void AssignObj2Clu(CLUSTER<dist_type> *Clusters, int CluNum)

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