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Internal compiler error 981006

The following C++ code produces Internal compiler error 981006 with
the latest version of egcs 1.2.  It compiles fine with g++ 2.8.1, egcs
1.1, and earlier snapshots of the 1.2 branch.

% c++ -Wall -c -O 981006.C
981006.C: In method `void itree<int,timecb_t>::foo(const time_t &)':
981006.C:30:   instantiated from here
981006.C:19: Internal compiler error 981006.
981006.C:19: Please submit a full bug report to `'.



typedef int time_t;

template<class R, class B1> struct callback {
  virtual R operator() (B1) = 0;
  virtual ~callback () {}

template<class C, class R, class B1, class A1, class AA1>
static inline callback<R, B1> *
wrap (C *c, R (C::*f) (A1, B1), const AA1 &a1)
  return 0;

template<class K, class V>
struct itree {
  itree () {}
  int kvcmp (const K *k, const V *v) { return 0; }
  void foo (const K &k) { wrap (this, &kvcmp, &k); }

struct timecb_t {
  time_t tm;
static itree<time_t, timecb_t> timecbs;

timecb_remove (timecb_t *to)
{ (to->tm);

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