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Re: latest snapshot won't find C++ header files

Jeffrey A Law <> writes:

>   In message <13852.28709.947638.790995@slsvhmt>you write:
>> The source of the problem is: the root directory for locating files is
>> $(libsubdir), and this usually *does not exist while you're building a
>> new snapshot*,   hence assemblers, linkers,   binutils, include  files
>> (forgot anything?)  won't be found at build time.

> Hmmm.  I think I know why this is failing in egcs, but not for Cygnus.

> Cygnus always builds with everything in the source tree.  gas, gdb, binutils,
> etc etc etc.

> If you look at gcc's configure process, it'll set up links to the assembler,
> loader and other stuff it needs if those tools are being built at the same
> time.

This has always been like this, and the unsublibdir patch hasn't
modified it, AFAIK.  For separate builds, it has always been an
undocumented user's responsibility to make sure that the appropriate
links to as and ld are set up in the build tree if they can't be found
in a pre-existing install tree.  --with-as= and --with-ld= do solve
this problem, for the cases in which the previous assumption isn't

Alexandre Oliva
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, Brasil

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